A new type appeared in SQL server 2008. This type is Table.
You can now pass a table as parameter to a store procedure.
As sample we are going to send the selected values (multiple selection) of a listview to a store procedure in order to insert the data in a parent table and a child table.
Creating a new table user type
First of all we have to create a new table type
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[Tble_KeywordsID] AS TABLE( [ID_Keywords] [int] NOT NULL )
As you can see this type creation follow the same principle than a regular table.
Once created, you can visualize this table in databasename\programmability\types\User-Defined Table Types
It really looks like a table against witch you can define keys, constraints and indexes.
That means, you are not only passing data like in an array, but in a real table than can be optimized and indexed if necessary.
Below, I wrote a sample ( / vb) where you can understand how to use pragmatically in a project this functionnality.
Table creation
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tble_Issues_Keywords]( [Id_Issues_Keywords] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Id_Issue] [int] NULL, [Id_Keyword] [int] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Tble_Issues_Keywords] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id_Issues_Keywords] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Tble_Issues_Keywords] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Tble_Issues_Keywords_Tble_Issues] FOREIGN KEY([Id_Issue]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Tble_Issues] ([Id_Issue]) GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Tble_Issues_Keywords] CHECK CONSTRAINT [FK_Tble_Issues_Keywords_Tble_Issues] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tble_Issues]( [Id_Issue] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [Id_User] [int] NULL, [Id_Folder] [int] NULL, [Issue_Content] [char](50) NULL, [Issue_Description] [varchar](max) NULL, [Issue_Solution] [varchar](max) NULL, [Creation_Date] [datetime] NULL, [Update_Date] [datetime] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_Tble_Sujets] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Id_Issue] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY]
Stored procedure creation
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Insert_Issues_Keywords_Folders] @Id_User INT ,@Id_Folder INT ,@Issue_Content CHAR(50) ,@Issue_Description VARCHAR(MAX) ,@Issue_Solution VARCHAR(MAX) ,@Tble_Id_Folders AS Tble_KeywordsID READONLY AS BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @Id_Issue INT INSERT INTO dbo.Tble_Issues ( Id_User ,Id_Folder ,Issue_Content ,Issue_Description ,Issue_Solution ,Creation_Date ) VALUES ( @Id_User ,@Id_Folder ,@Issue_Content ,@Issue_Description ,@Issue_Solution ,GETDATE() ) SELECT @Id_Issue = @@IDENTITY INSERT INTO dbo.Tble_Issues_Keywords ( Id_Issue ,Id_Keyword ) SELECT @Id_Issue ,ID_Keywords FROM @Tble_Id_Folders COMMIT TRANSACTION
Code sample (
The following code is based on a form that includes :
- A list named lstKeywords
- A stored procedure named sp_Search_Issues
- A connection named ConnectionInfo and stored in a separate XML file (using SSPI specification)
'------------------------------------- ' Variables declaration '------------------------------------- Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public myConnection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionInfo")) Private _dataTable As DataTable Dim dt_KeywordsID As DataTable = New DataTable("Tble_KeywordsID") Dim dtc_KeywordsID As DataColumn Dim row As DataRow Dim objCommand As SqlCommand Dim objParam As SqlParameter '------------------------------------- ' Create a connection to SQL Server '------------------------------------- objCommand = New SqlCommand("sp_Search_Issues", myConnection) objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure objCommand.Connection.Open() '------------------------------------- ' Create parameters for sp '------------------------------------- objParam = objCommand.Parameters.Add("@Id_Folder", SqlDbType.Int) objParam.Value = CInt(lstFolders.SelectedValue) objParam = objCommand.Parameters.Add("@Tble_Id_Folders", SqlDbType.Structured) '------------------------------------- ' Prepare table as parameter '------------------------------------- dtc_KeywordsID = New DataColumn() dtc_KeywordsID.DataType = Type.GetType("System.Int32") dtc_KeywordsID.ColumnName = "ID_Keywords" dt_KeywordsID.Columns.Add(dtc_KeywordsID) '------------------------------------- ' Get the multiple selected values '------------------------------------- Dim intLoop As Integer Dim valSelect As Integer Dim colSelectedValues As New Collection For intLoop = 0 To lstKeywords.Items.Count - 1 If lstKeywords.Items(intLoop).Selected Then valSelect = lstKeywords.Items(intLoop).Value row = dt_KeywordsID.NewRow() row("ID_Keywords") = valSelect dt_KeywordsID.Rows.Add(row) End If Next '------------------------------------- ' Value affectation '------------------------------------- objParam.Value = dt_KeywordsID '------------------------------------- ' Define a datareader and store the ' resultset of the sp's execution ' within this datareader '------------------------------------- Dim MyDataReader As SqlDataReader MyDataReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader() '------------------------------------- ' Define data value field and a ' data text field , source ' and bind the datareader to the list ' resultset of the sp's execution ' within this datareader ' Display the results in a listview '------------------------------------- lstViewIssuesResults.DataValueField = "Id_Issue" lstViewIssuesResults.DataTextField = "Issue_Content" lstViewIssuesResults.DataSource = MyDataReader lstViewIssuesResults.DataBind() '------------------------------------- ' Close the connexion object '------------------------------------- objCommand.Connection.Close()